St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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Behaviour Centre

We actively promote and reward good behaviour.

Our new certificate awards system has been popular amongst both the staff and pupils. This is how it works.

At the start of the year every pupil received a bronze stamp chart.
Once a pupil has completed their charts, they will be awarded with a certificate.
A pupil will be awarded with a bronze certificate and star badge during Monday’s certificate assembly after completing 3 stamp charts.

The pupil will then progress to the silver stage and the same process continues at this stage.

Once the student has completed 3 silver stamp charts they will progress onto the GOLD stage. And then the whole process starts again!

There is a very strong community ethos in the school and local charitable organisations benefit from this sense of mission. Pupils also understand their responsibility to the wider world and, during a term in which they focused on the Christian value of compassion, they recently donated resources to a grateful primary school in Ghana.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools Report, Dec '16