St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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If your child suffers from asthma please let the class teacher and the school office know to ensure that a supply of medication is always in school.

Administering Medication

You will need to fill in the “Request to Administer Medication” form and hand it in at the front office. It cannot be emailed. A trained first-aider in your child’s class will give the medicine on your behalf. The medicine must be clearly labelled with the child’s name, date, contents, dose and storage instructions; and be in the original container supplied by the doctor or pharmacist. The trained first-aider will also record any medication in a folder.

We can only administer medicine to your child if they have a prescription.

Individual Healthcare Plan (IHPs)

Children with medical conditions such as serious allergies, asthma, epilepsy and/or others, should be notified to the school office or the First Aid Lead in order for an Individual Healthcare Plan and other required medication (such as an Asthma Card or Epi-Pen care plan) to be filled out.

School Nurse

The school nurse visits regularly. She makes routine checks on the children.

She will only see your child if she has a signed screening consent form from you. Parents can see her by appointment to discuss any aspect of their child’s health and development

Trained First Aiders and First Aid Lead

The First Aid Lead is a member of staff responsible for administering medical records and medication stored in school.

The current First Aid Lead is: Mr. Oposa.

Their role is to make sure medical records and medication within the school is up-to-date, as well as the last call for first-aid if any other trained first aiders are busy.

The current trained First Aiders are:

  • Mr. A Oposa (Year 3 TA)
  • Mrs. J Lopes (Intervention TA, French Teacher)
  • Mr. D Ofor (Year 5 TA, Computing Teacher)
  • Ms. K Davies (Reception TA)
  • Ms. L. Bundy (Midday Meals Supervisor)
  • Mr. G Hylton (Year 2 TA)
  • Mr. D Williams (Health Mentor)