St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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Evidence Me 

Here at St Stephen’s, our Nursery and Reception team, use an app called ‘Evidence me’ to collect evidence on your child’s amazing learning.

We are now introducing it to parents via ‘Parent share’. This is a great way for teachers and parents to share the learning of the children. Parent Share is a great way for you to share your child's home learning! You can take an active role in contributing to your child’s learning journey by uploading observations directly on to the App or Web Suite.

The new system which will allows us to share what your child is doing in school.

The ‘Parent Share’ feature in Evidence Me enables you to view reports (complete with photos) via the app or web suite, showing you what your child has been learning and the new skills they are developing.

We think these reports will really brighten up your day!

You can send us your comments and feedback by simply adding them to the reports. This will help our staff to support your child even more effectively in the classroom.

You can also take an active role in contributing to your child’s observation portfolio by uploading your own observations, simply add these to the app or web suite.

You will receive an email in the next few days from asking you to confirm that you would like to participate. Make sure you check your spam/junk inbox as sometimes emails can get lost in there.

Participation is optional, but we really recommend getting involved. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact the school directly.

We look forward to supporting you and your child and are always striving to provide the highest standard of education possible.

Please visit for further information and guidance.

set up guide evidence me.pdf