St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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Register of Interests

Governors and staff members who regularly attend meetings of the governing body and its committees must declare any business or personal interest that might influence any decision they may make especially in financial matters. Any governor with such an interest must declare it annually and notify the school of any changes that occur. Where there is a conflict of interest the governor must withdraw from the meeting and take no part in the discussions or vote. The agenda of each meeting requires governors and non-governors present to declare any interest they may have in any of the items to be discussed.

Below is a summary of the most recent register for the year 2024-25.



Nature of Pecuniary Interest

Business  Interest

Linda Campbell Head teacher Employed by the School NONE
Dionne Maduakor Deputy Head teacher Employed by the School NONE
Kate Kopelman Governor SDBE Harris Teaching School NONE
Steve Coulson Foundation Governor Vicar of St Stephens Church NONE

Maria Starrs

Foundation Governor

Peabody Community Foundation

Madeline Evans Foundation Governor Accenture London NONE
Judith Rust Foundation Governor

St Stephens School reader

Employed by the School

Jermaine Tomlin Governor SDBE Local Authority  NONE
Cora Ferguson Parent Governor n/a NONE
Esther Bailey Parent Governor Children's centre NONE
Daniel Ingman LA Governor Atkins Réalis NONE
Rebecca Heywood Foundation Governor Civil Servant NONE