St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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In Year Two, our children dive deeper into the curriculum, exploring concepts with curiosity and critical thinking. Adaptive learning ensures that each child progresses at their own pace, while cooperative learning experiences encourage the sharing of ideas and perspectives. Year Two is a dynamic stage where collaboration and adaptability are woven into the fabric of daily learning.


  • Two pages per week of maths starting with pages 2/3 in the math CGP books


  • Two pages per week of literacy starting with pages 2/3 in the literacy CGP books.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in by following  Wednesday of the same week. Please help your child to keep their homework CPG books safe as they will be needed throughout the year.


eBooks are set every Friday, as well as reading for pleasure book sent home, which is brought back on Wednesday. 


Remember to read at least three pages every day!

Reading takes you to places you've never been!!



Y2 PE Takes place on  Wednesday 8.45 am to 9.45 am


PE kits should be brought into school in a P.E. bag with all items clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Pupils are expected to wear  PE kit as follows

  • Yellow school PE Shirt 
  • Navy Blue Jogging Bottoms 
  • Trainers or plimsolls


  • Monday 7th October - NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY

Times Tables

Times Tables Rock Stars 


I hope this helps.

Y2 Teacher

Ms Ferreira