St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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St Stephens C of E Primary School and Children’s Centre are committed to providing a secure environment for children, where children feel safe and are kept safe. All adults at the school recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility irrespective of the role they undertake or whether their role has direct contact or responsibility for children. We aim to promote a climate where children and adults feel confident about sharing any concerns that they may have about their own safety or the well-being. Staff members and visitors are encouraged contribute to St Stephens C of E Primary School and Children’s Centre’s delivery of the outcomes to all children, as set out in s10 (2) of the Children Act 2004.

We recognise that safeguarding is more than contribution to Child Protection matters and we will use the curriculum generally, and PSHE in particular, to ensure our pupils are taught about safeguarding, including online, recognise risk and build resilience to manage any such risk themselves where appropriate to age and ability. Pupils will be encouraged to make use of internal systems, speaking with peer mediators, support staff, teachers, learning mentors or the Designated Safeguarding Lead to whistle blow or raise any issue of safety, in confidence

Click on the links below to read our Child Protection policy:


Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It presents schools with a wide range of issues that they need to be prepared for.

Click on the links below to read our other safeguarding policies:


Report or gain advice from Designated Lead and in absence of Designated Lead, the designated deputy lead

In absence of designated persons from school, then the children’s centre designated leads can be referred to and vice versa.

If designated leads are off site, they can be contacted on their mobiles which can be obtained by school office).

The Designated Persons for child protection:


Designated Safeguarding Lead

Linda Campbell

Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Karina O’Neill

Children Looked After

Karina O’Neill


Safeguarding Governor and Chair of Governors

Chair of Governors: Rebecca Heywood

Safeguarding Governor: Jermaine Tomlin

 Contact details can be obtained at school office

If you want to report a concern

St Stephen’s C of E Primary School and Children’s Centre takes all allegations made against members of staff seriously. Mechanisms are in place for pupils, parents/carers and staff to share any concerns that they might have about the actions of any member of our school staff. All such allegations will be dealt with in line with our safeguarding procedures. Allegations must be brought immediately to the attention of the Head teacher, not the Designated Child Protection Lead (unless that is the same person) in order that the appropriate procedures may be followed.

Parents should also be advised of their independent right to make a formal complaint to the Police.

If the allegation concerns alleged abuse by the Head teacher, this again should not be brought to the attention of the Designated Child Protection Lead nor the nominated CP Governor. Any allegation pertaining to the Head teacher must only be brought to the attention of the Chair of Governors  (unless that is the same person) who will consult with Lambeth’s Education Services Lead Officer and/or Social Care.