St Stephen's Church of England Primary School

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As our young scholars enter Year One, they encounter an exciting blend of structure and flexibility. Our unique curriculum comes to life through adaptive learning strategies (dual coding and supportive scaffolding) tailored to individual needs. Cooperative learning activities in Year One foster teamwork, communication, and a sense of shared achievement, setting the stage for academic success and personal growth.


  • Two pages per week of maths starting with 1/2 pages  in the math CGP books


  • Two pages per week of literacy starting with 1/2 pages in the literacy CGP books.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in by following Wednesday of the same week. Please help your child to keep their homework CPG books safe as they will be needed throughout the year.


Reading books and homework are expected on Wednesday and sent home on Friday. 


It is the expectation that your child reads every day, for at least 20 minutes. Strong reading skills are essential for academic success across all subjects.
Children who read regularly tend to perform better is school, as reading helps them absorb information, understand complex concepts and express their ideas effectively.

Remember to read at least three pages every day!

Reading takes you to places you've never been!!



Y1 PE Takes place on Wednesday from 9:45-10:45am.


PE kits should be brought into school in a P.E. bag with all items clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Pupils are expected to wear  PE kit as follows

  • Yellow school PE Shirt 
  • Navy Blue Jogging Bottoms 
  • Trainers or plimsolles


  • Tuesday 1st October 2024 -VAUXHALL CITY FARM
  • Tuesday 26th November - LONDON ZOO


In Year 1 children learn Phonics through our programme 'Little Wandle.' Children complete Phonics sessions daily and complete three reading lessons a week. The reading they complete is at their reading level. This book will also be the book they are assigned via the Collins eBooks. 


Please see below for how you can support your child in Phonics and Reading:




There are also 'How to' videos and a guide to how children are taught to say their sounds in Year 1.


Timetables Rockstars 




Phonics Play

Phonics Play

Picture match

Buried Treasure


Choose 10 words your child is unable to spell, then practice them throughout the week. Spelling test on Friday!

Useful Websites


BBC Bite size

Audible Stories


I hope this helps.

Ms Kostadanova